Saturday, August 14, 2010

What do you remember about being six?

Child To Turn Seven! More News to Come!


  1. When I was six I wasn't good at anything. I almost never learned how to read or add and subtract! I picked up the slack by the end of first grade but it was a close call.

  2. I remember being an Indian princess for Halloween. I went to Mont Alto elementary, which is now apartments. I was so happy to have a baby brother! It was a good place to grow up.

  3. When I was six I was a tomboy. I remember that I loved boys and thought they were the best invention since sliced bread. I wanted to play baseball and Cowboys and Indians with them. I did not play with dolls—though I loved stuffed animals. I distinctly remember making a pest out of myself and always trying to tag-along with my sister Eileen (13) and her friends—particularly the boys. What crushes I had on the boys!
