Monday, April 30, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

I Took A Trip To The Woods

always look up

tiki landscape

i love you bokeh, thank you

in a battle between moss and buckeye husks, who would win? the buckeyes have some weaponry but the moss is very, very patient

silver dollars in the sun

will somebody get this moss a haircut already?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Take Your Daughter to Work Day

Starting the day off easy

Not taking orders very well from that guy 

 Finally earning some keep 

Power tools! -Be sure to go big screen to see some silly facial expressions

Now that's what I'm talkin' about 
After a hard 32 minutes of work

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Friday!

Who doesn't love a good Friday anyway?

To quote one young son on his twenty-first birthday,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

108/366 Like It Says On My Road ID, Now Is The Time!

So far this month has been crazy, full of people falling ill and people falling out of trees. I'm pretty freaked out. What if I don't get the chance to work on my bucket list, or even to make a bucket list? I have started to worry about the house burning down when we are at work. I have figured out that our young lady L will not always be little, although it makes me very happy to see her effortless wonder and joy. She reminds me to be silly. ...that it is ok to run around the house like a madwoman with a baby blanket around your shoulders like a cape ... that sometimes you are supposed to name tadpoles Lily, Rose, and Lily Rose. At bedtime she still wants a story and a snuggle, and when she falls asleep holding my hand it makes me want to cry with sweetness. 

I didn't mean for this post to be about the kid, but that's where it ended up. I guess I am taking from this the the idea of paying attention to what is in front of you, every day, even the smallest things. Maybe especially the smallest things. 

picture borrowed from the plum village website

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hello Your Blueness

We had a lovely visit with cmkr and his parents this weekend. It has been nearly a decade since our most recent addition to the family, so we are really excited to have the little guy around! It is amazing to see his personality emerge and him become....him. I forgot that babies make you love them without effort, with their little noises and soft cheeks. 

Monday, April 2, 2012