Monday, February 24, 2014

Some Kind of Winter

This has been a heckuva winter. The extremely cold temps for this area have made me stop complaining about the regular coldness of winter, the kind that makes 43 degrees seem like not-so-bad. Even if it's freezing out, winter is still pretty. And, yesterday I heard birds singing in the morning and then I saw a robin...and we know what that means, right?

Sunday Sauna - A Paraphrase

"As dawn would break the gray squirrels would climb into our walnut tree and start carrying away the walnuts. They never looked up into the tree as they were going up, so I used to take my 22 loaded with ratshot and climb into the tree...And then I dusted them." (said in dramatic gravelly Batman voice)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Sauna

Oh man this is priceless...

"I had a memorable quote to bring to the sauna but I can't remember it." 

- Paul G. 

Saturday Sauna

"We talked about neti pots and everything was fine"

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sunday Sauna

"A sprouted seed is much more beneficial to your body than an unsprouted seed." 

Take it for what it's worth.