Saturday, December 29, 2012

363/365 I Can Do Better

Went back and took a look at my posts for the year including my flopsy idea of a 365 project, and sadly and embarrassingly realized that this will only be my twentieth 365 post....pretty pathetic! But I still love the idea and might not say that I am going to try again, but I will promise to think about it. I've been creeping around looking at all the incarnations of 365 projects. Wow!

I admire those doing their project every day, almost no matter what. 

The world is full!

My eyes are open some of the time, not most maybe, but at least I know that.

There is much to share, 

hear and drink in, 


and find wonderful. 

 What do you think? Would you ever undertake, or contribute to a year-long project? Is anybody in?