Saturday, December 29, 2012

363/365 I Can Do Better

Went back and took a look at my posts for the year including my flopsy idea of a 365 project, and sadly and embarrassingly realized that this will only be my twentieth 365 post....pretty pathetic! But I still love the idea and might not say that I am going to try again, but I will promise to think about it. I've been creeping around looking at all the incarnations of 365 projects. Wow!

I admire those doing their project every day, almost no matter what. 

The world is full!

My eyes are open some of the time, not most maybe, but at least I know that.

There is much to share, 

hear and drink in, 


and find wonderful. 

 What do you think? Would you ever undertake, or contribute to a year-long project? Is anybody in?

Winter, After All

I had pretty happily, although prematurely, almost given up on winter, with those nice mid-fifty degree days and the not-needing of scarves, but I guess that's over now. We were talking about what it would be like to live in a place where it is always temperate. I wondered if I would become 'overly content' with no change of seasons. Would I forget to be grateful for all the lovely various days? Would I miss the brownness of Pennsylvania winter and the need to take an evening bath from October to April? Or would my days slide from one to the other, making time go faster or slower?

For now I am glad to be marooned in my little house, taking care of some projects I have been putting off for a long time. A long stretch of days off from nine days in a row...feels much needed and delightful.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

353/365 All These Things Happened.

Not all at Once but in the Recent Past.

This Happened.

Necessarily in the past year, or yesterday.

Hot Peanuts!



you are not going to believe this

do you believe this? 
Central Junior High School, Chambersburg, Pa 

Pete and June Think About Things.

Lael Thinks About Things.