Saturday, December 29, 2012

363/365 I Can Do Better

Went back and took a look at my posts for the year including my flopsy idea of a 365 project, and sadly and embarrassingly realized that this will only be my twentieth 365 post....pretty pathetic! But I still love the idea and might not say that I am going to try again, but I will promise to think about it. I've been creeping around looking at all the incarnations of 365 projects. Wow!

I admire those doing their project every day, almost no matter what. 

The world is full!

My eyes are open some of the time, not most maybe, but at least I know that.

There is much to share, 

hear and drink in, 


and find wonderful. 

 What do you think? Would you ever undertake, or contribute to a year-long project? Is anybody in?

Winter, After All

I had pretty happily, although prematurely, almost given up on winter, with those nice mid-fifty degree days and the not-needing of scarves, but I guess that's over now. We were talking about what it would be like to live in a place where it is always temperate. I wondered if I would become 'overly content' with no change of seasons. Would I forget to be grateful for all the lovely various days? Would I miss the brownness of Pennsylvania winter and the need to take an evening bath from October to April? Or would my days slide from one to the other, making time go faster or slower?

For now I am glad to be marooned in my little house, taking care of some projects I have been putting off for a long time. A long stretch of days off from nine days in a row...feels much needed and delightful.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

353/365 All These Things Happened.

Not all at Once but in the Recent Past.

This Happened.

Necessarily in the past year, or yesterday.

Hot Peanuts!



you are not going to believe this

do you believe this? 
Central Junior High School, Chambersburg, Pa 

Pete and June Think About Things.

Lael Thinks About Things.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Ideal Self?

do you notice how much lower the sun is from start to finish? this was a long hike at first estimated to be about an hour but stretched long into the fall of afternoon. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Vicarious Shopping

Every so often I like to pretend that I am actually going to buy something and make lists and put things in my virtual shopping cart. Like I pretend went to Ikea and had so much fun! My cart was overflowing with bounty! It was almost like actually shopping, but it was free. Oh, and the other part about about it was not actually getting anything besides a picture in my head...but I told myself that this way, I will be better prepared to actually make some decisions the next time I go to an Ikea store, rather than wandering around overwhelmed for two hours and then ending up with a Vardelfull  and a Solstrale. But never mind that, in my recent wanderings I happened upon some other neato stuff. 

But what I really want is a place to hang this hammock, like a sea shanty or a wonky treehouse. I could keep my map in there so I could find my way home.

All this fun stuff found at Best Made Company via Goop

Sunday, October 7, 2012

In Case You Need Some Holiday Shopping Ideas

I am not generally a fan of the use of "Really? Really?" but it seems like the right thing to say here, because I am otherwise speechless. Here in Franklin County! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Here's Your Happy Friday!

I just love this guy. He's all small and stuff, 
and you can get lost in his eyes if you look long enough. 
I'm not sure if he reminds me of my baby brother so many years ago, 
when I was SO HAPPY!
But then I was just thinking, I get that chance again! 
What if I were SO HAPPY right now?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Bit Belated, But A Be-lovely Birthday To Me!

What a nice bunch of friends I have, 

even if they tell me I am old. Thanks for a great birthday!

Why Do You Give?

Well an interesting thing happened...a month or so ago when it was still summer and hot and sweaty during the day, P and L were on a grocery run, their normal Sunday doughnut and Times trip, when she pointed out a small family of four perched on a curb. Two parents and two kids (a boy about four and a baby about eight months) and a terrible hand-lettered sign on cardboard, something about needing to get to New York where there was a job waiting. At the time she put out her hand and offered a dollar, and the father took her hand in return and kissed it. They had a great conversation on the way home about giving and sharing and how the family needed it more than we do, and how it was good of her to notice. 

Later that day after much conversation and mental hand-wringing, we decide to see if there was anything else we could do. I did a drive-by on the way to do some work at the office - still there perched on the corner. I made a few calls to local shelters to see if there was any space with no luck. We considered talking to our neighbor the farmer who employs itinerant workers, but put that on hold for the time being. We talked about the sauna for temporary housing if it came to that. P brushed up on his Spanish real quick, after we grabbed Paul G and his van, and a bag of snacks and water. The kid looked especially relieved at the sight of a juice box. 

The story was that they needed $30 to buy their share of a hotel room for the night and then would head off in their minivan with his brother and family, a total of nine people, to a farm job in New York. P wagged his finger and said ¿me estás diciendo la verdad? and of course the dad said yes. So anyway, we gave them two twenties and felt pretty pleased with ourselves. While we certainly have people around here with signs asking for help on curbs, they are typically single men in army jackets, rather than families with little ones. 

Yesterday we saw them again, this time on a different corner. As we drove by, P wagged his finger again and said it was lucky that I was in the car or he would have gotten out and offered a few words, like grifter and you give the people who really need it a bad name....they didn't seem to recognize us in those few seconds, but who knows. But I didn't feel bad about seeing them at all. I figure that they are still on a corner, without a home, and two little kids...isn't that their choice if they want to do that? I wouldn't change our original choice to give them some money, because we could do so and we wanted to. The fact that they lied - is unfortunate. It is also pretty lame that they are carting their kids around like that. But I won't claim to know what their lives are about based on the fact that they were untruthful. I have more than enough. I can spare it. 

I guess all in all I am pretty at peace with the whole thing. What do you think?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm Just Thinking About Things

Little gal is pretty much always happy unless she is not. Turning nine can be challenging, especially when your birthday is in the summer which means that you NEVER get to take cupcakes to school for your classmates. But why can't I take cupcakes to YMCA camp? Well, because your mother is only good at making cupcakes twelve at at time, and just can't fathom the idea of making over half a hundred of the things! So I promised to make some that she could take during the school year to pretend it was her birthday...which really is not that much better with thirty-nine kids in her class, but I am hoping that she is using kid math and not actual math! Time to get out the apron.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Friday!

It has been a bit of a while since I have posted anything. It's like life got in the way, but that's the way it should go, I guess. This summer has been a lovely dream of perfect weather with a hint of fall mixed in some days. It's been full of lots of family and hiking and lawnmowing and one particularly excited birthday girl. We said goodbye to our uncle gone too soon. I looked for and found many moments of beauty and stored them mostly in my mind. I'm ok with the passing of this into the next, because there are good things there too. But the passing of people or time is an ever-present know what I'm going to say, right? 
Pay attention.

Monday, July 16, 2012

You Don't See This Everyday

How often are you riding your bike down a country road and see a discarded ALBUM from the 70's? Welcome to Franklin County, Pa! Check out the latest video here!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday....the Thirteenth

I hope something spooky happens today, but so far there are no contenders. I was talking with a kid client today about how I don't believe in luck, but rather think that "luck" is either "good" or "bad" combinations of circumstances, that's all. It seems pretty matter-of-fact to me that things just happen, whether we decide that they are positive or negative. But anyway, at least today has a cool number to go with it. Did you know that in Iran, Friday is the only weekend day? Now THAT is spooky. 
I am looking forward to seeing some friends and squeezing a baby, maybe eating too much ice cream, and thinking about things. Happy weekend!