Thursday, January 14, 2010

All over the map

age - n., v., aged, aging, or ageing. 1. the length of time during which a being or thing has existed; length of life or existence to the time spoken of or referred to. 2. the lifetime of an individual, or of the individuals of a class or species on an average. 3. a period of human life usually marked by a certain stage of physical or mental development, esp. a degree of development, measured by years from birth, which involved legal responsibility and capacity. 4. the particular period of life at which one becomes naturally or conventionally qualified or disqualified for anything.

A client told me this morning that there are only sixty days until spring. I love to say, when anyone complains about winter, "yes, but we're closer than we've ever been to spring, this year..." Every other year I have believed this myself as I've said it, but this year it is falling flat with insincerity. P. reminded me not to get too down on things because it all looks bleak right now - stuck in the drafty house with furniture that is mocking me, the ice floe in the basement, and L. freaking out on a daily basis because her socks "just feel weely weird." Aah.

Closing in on the end of my third decade has been wearing me thin lately. I'm ok with letting go of the person I was twenty years ago, because there were aspects of myself back then that I am happy to say I have improved upon. I guess it is more mystifying to me how to define what it is that I want to be in my next twenty years. What if I can't figure it out?