Monday, November 17, 2014

Moments of Dahlia

This just happened.
State College dahlias, holding out in the cold fall air. 
How hardy am I? 
I am not at all, and rely on my bath and fleece and down to get me through. 
I understand when my water bill goes up from too much bathing, and suddenly the charm of an old house becomes a bit less charming. 
Our drafty windows and cold floors make me wonder where summer has gone. 
The dahlias remind me. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

spidey sense?

Dark Forest (The Game), Part One (Actually Part One-Hundred And Sixty-Seven But This Is The First Blog Post)

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life."
Sephira and Isabelle (pictured above) thought that the Gods would protect them here. 

"Umm, I have a question..."

Worry passes over the brow of the young one. 

Anxiously expectant ... the stomping sounds of... 

...the lost soul of the Black Witch, who is seeking the Young Ones -
the Ones who have entered the Dark Forest and come out alive, 
therefore giving hope to the people,
if even for a brief moment.

Nevertheless, despite their hope-lending qualities, 
they ended up in the klink. 

As I, your humble narrator, did as well. 
It's cold in here.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

We Took A Trip to the City, Four Years Later

We visited the Native American Museum in Washington DC where we have been several times before, although with a much smaller kid. Always fun to recreate past moments when you can, and I love that she can be counted on for a cheerful outfit. This time, we took a new family member who is really short, but totally ready to embrace the world around him. It was a very good day! There was a carousel ride, a brownie cupcake, a parade with big drums, and remarkably few tears. It was good to get out. As always, the nimble-fairy was her usual lovely self. 

Apparently little gal is very fascinated by large bodies of water. It was a perfect day. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sunday Sauna, A Bit Late

Two saunas ago I heard this gem:

"One time I portaged a canoe about a mile and half during the Fourth of July parade. The only bad part was that they were only going about four miles an hour and kept stopping and starting. It wasn't that bad." 


I'm not kidding, you really can't make this stuff up. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Some Kind of Winter

This has been a heckuva winter. The extremely cold temps for this area have made me stop complaining about the regular coldness of winter, the kind that makes 43 degrees seem like not-so-bad. Even if it's freezing out, winter is still pretty. And, yesterday I heard birds singing in the morning and then I saw a robin...and we know what that means, right?

Sunday Sauna - A Paraphrase

"As dawn would break the gray squirrels would climb into our walnut tree and start carrying away the walnuts. They never looked up into the tree as they were going up, so I used to take my 22 loaded with ratshot and climb into the tree...And then I dusted them." (said in dramatic gravelly Batman voice)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Sauna

Oh man this is priceless...

"I had a memorable quote to bring to the sauna but I can't remember it." 

- Paul G. 

Saturday Sauna

"We talked about neti pots and everything was fine"

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sunday Sauna

"A sprouted seed is much more beneficial to your body than an unsprouted seed." 

Take it for what it's worth. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Saturday Sauna

There was a sauna on Saturday instead of Sunday, which broke tradition for the first time in a long while. Sunday seems like the right day to sweat it out and start fresh for the week, although I would definitely not consider myself to be fresh right after a sauna. In fact, this is the time in my life when I most emulate the qualities of a skunk.

I was thinking about the health benefits and all that stuff that a sauna is supposed to do for you, but those things aren't really why I go. I love the chance to just sit there with your friend or dad or kid, although the kids don't usually last that long. You get to sit there with this person and just be together, sweating in unison. There are no distractions like the TV or the radio or the iPad to pull you away from what you have to say to each other. I guess because there are so few times in my life that I am ever alone or free of those distractions, this time is all the more precious. I'm not sure that anything ever gets solved in the sauna but it sure is worth it to try.

The times where I have occasionally been stood up in the sauna have been few, but have also had their own special luster. It's like the water-free version of a soak in the tub where you can read your book or do some yoga as long as you don't fall off the bench and burn your hair on the stove. It just may be one of my favorite things. 

A few weeks ago I had an idea to post the funniest thing that was said in the sauna for the week. One of the regulars was a bit concerned about the rule that "what happens in the sauna stays in the sauna," so I said I would be sure to change the names of those involved so no one was incriminated. That makes it sound like we are up to some serious shenanigans in there! I promise, we're not. Usually. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday Sauna

P: "This guy was so smart that he could take the S.A.T.'s and get a hundred."

G: "Well, that's not very good." 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Flowers in Winter, Or Always

It had been a while since we layered up and hiked into the woods, just a little amble through the Michaux. The kids were cute and held hands and fell down a few times. 

Winter is always a mental challenge for me because there is so little green and so much brown. But there were still moments of beauty among the pervasive brownness of the woods at this time of year. 

But still, look at the flowers!

I liked getting lost in the reflection of this little pool...

...and in a pile of rocks. I'm wondering how closeup my camera will go?

And then at the end, some old dessicated pumpkins made a nice arrangement. 
The woods surprised me with more than I expected. I wonder, if I walked forward with delight,
how often I would see flowers everywhere?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Sauna

"You are the least flaky new-age person I know. You are Legit."
