Monday, July 16, 2012

You Don't See This Everyday

How often are you riding your bike down a country road and see a discarded ALBUM from the 70's? Welcome to Franklin County, Pa! Check out the latest video here!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday....the Thirteenth

I hope something spooky happens today, but so far there are no contenders. I was talking with a kid client today about how I don't believe in luck, but rather think that "luck" is either "good" or "bad" combinations of circumstances, that's all. It seems pretty matter-of-fact to me that things just happen, whether we decide that they are positive or negative. But anyway, at least today has a cool number to go with it. Did you know that in Iran, Friday is the only weekend day? Now THAT is spooky. 
I am looking forward to seeing some friends and squeezing a baby, maybe eating too much ice cream, and thinking about things. Happy weekend! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dear Someone,

...and by someone I mean Misty. Since you may be the only person who reads this blog, how are you? I hope you are having a super wonderful great and fantastic day. I hope to see you soon. Love, Gil

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I May Be a Star Wars Nerd

This made me crack up. Who would your family be?

I guess I would have to be Padme, which is awesome! Found here via poppytalk

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Moments of Beauty

I don't know if you know the story of our butterfly bush. Liz gave it to me a number of years ago after having popped it out of the ground with her big metal pole. She said it would be fine even though it consisted of two scrawny sticks with one big scraggly root. My dad helped me plant it on a hilly bank next to the house, even though he was pretty doubtful that it would ever amount to anything. 

I guess the first year not much happened, but by the second year it grew to a few feet tall. We started to get honeybees and butterflies now and then.

During the past few years it has gotten huge, growing in an arc of branches over a span of about six feet towards the house, and in hundreds of other crazy directions. It's about nine feet tall now and fifteen feet across, all from that spindly little stalk. 

Last year the butterflies were aplenty, and we even got the gift of two hummingbirds. We felt super special about that. I have tried hanging out under it but it's not that fun and kind of poky. 

 This year, I have seen more of the blue butterflies in the area than I have the monarchs, which I have seen few of so far. I get lost in their wings. I can't think of how I could possible come up with anything more beautiful in my mind, and am glad I don't have to. I just get to have this gift. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We Took A Trip To the Beach

...well, at least it's our local "beach"... 

where there is no surf but the water is still freezing. we looked closely and found a heart!

the water lilies were in bloom. there were lots of tiny fish making these mating circles in the water, at least that's what we think. we tried not to disturb them. 

 little gal was blissed out when she found a flower that someone had plucked already, just sitting on the rope that reigns in the swimmers. we came home sleepy and warm, happy with this day.